Maximize the game’s revenue potential

Monetization engine

Build a powerful monetization system in your game with the flexibility to adjust it over time. Personalization is the key to increasing LTV, and Balancy makes it a breeze for monetization managers to tailor shops, special offers, and ad settings to different player profiles.

Features & advantages

Off-the-shelf toolkit to build a balanced game economy
and find an optimal shopping journey for every player.
Dynamic game shop
Create a player-tailored game shop. Enable purchases using real-world money, soft currency, or even through ad views.
Special offers
Introduce time-limited sales tied
to specific events or targeted deals activated upon reaching certain game milestones.
Offer sequences
Launch a series of offers
that leverage the discounting and upselling logic to increase conversions and ARPPU.
Payment validation
Don’t let cheaters break the game economy. Protect your game
from fraud with robust back-end payment validation.
A/B testing
Experiment with offer pricing, discounts, content, and design to identify growth points
for your sales.
Ad management
Find the balance between IAPs and ads. Adjust ad placements, frequency, and limits for paying and non-paying players.
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